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Avatar sejak: 2007-04-07
Age: 43
Kepulauan Bahama
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"Live ya Life"

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Purpose that you got some fast a nating clothes but got you scammed purpose you gave them a gift to let them give your clothes back but then they stoled your credits and your free credits then they stole your Acount? Contact me if you lost your acount your credits your clothes your gifts and your avatar? Use the Contact Jinaye Email sent by Lavasexygirl_@msn.com for information to get your things back!
Hubungi saya
If you got stolen things, don't know how to put a music on your homepage,having trouble getting your free 1,00000 credits or free credits contact me no mean nessacary or if i don't answer, you can call me on 364-22-85 and i will tell you how to work these things if i am not home call me on my cell 434-01-44 and if i left my things home or didn't bring it leave a message on my bored and i will contact you back☻♥
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Actually this is my hot twin sister and she is the most funnest person to play with. You can check out her Homepage and see how hot it is. Sometimes she is online but most of the time she plays other fun games!
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