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Avatar sejak: 2007-12-06
Age: 37 Terverifikasi umur 18+ Usia Terverifikasi
Amerika Serikat - NC
Terakhir masuk:

"Welcome to a newer darker me"

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I would like to warmly welcome all who visit to a newer dareker me. Yes since I've joined the site I feel ive found my place amongst the darker member here. Even so I am still the same old Jester, easy to talk to, quick to listen. Any one wishing to chat with me or add me as a buddy feel free cause thats why im here. All are welcome, But i warn you, you will have to much of a good time to leave. COME ONE AND ALL TO MY DARK CIRCUS!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!
Relationship Status: Seeing Someone
Looking For: Friendship
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Your Inner Vampire
First name
Shade of black
Favorite type of music
Type of chocolate
Your inner vampire makes a mess of its victims and shreds their vitals, savoring blood and the salty taste of flesh
Its voice has multiple tones and ranges all at the same time
It is dormant because its host hasn't developed the proper amount of bloodlust
Its teeth drip the sleek blood of its latest victims blood, proudly
Bloodlust - 92%
This Quiz by catzoid - Taken 3984 Times.
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Aquarius, Japan
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