Retarded internet insults and threats. No one cares about shit over the internet, so don't try to act hardcore with the keyboard. If you say you're going to do something, actually follow through with it
A good fraction of the human race. I have no patience for humans in general. You all fucking piss me off with your lack of intelligence and common sense.
Long ass/unneeded/unnecessary/takes up half my fucking screen/LOLOL awesome lyric!?!!1/quoted MSN names that expresses your current emotion. No, I don't fucking care that you "Slept, woke up, went to school, went to work, back home, doing homework, sleep." Why the fuck are you even on MSN? Nor do any of us care that you and your 'BFFLZZZZZ' got a new fucking 'inside joke', followed by a "LOLOL!!?!" Chances are, no one else thinks it's funny besides the selective few that you joke with.
These little fags running around being self proclaimed Satanists. They look up some stuff off the internet and decide "Hey! I think I'll be a Satanist today!" stop being something you're not.. it's lame. Most of you don't even know what the fuck you're talking about. About half of you little cunts cant even spell "Anton LaVey" right.
I can't stand what this website has turned into. I wish it was back to how it used to be. It has become home to a bunch of scene children who seem to worship hello kitty. It was better when nobody knew it existed.
People who take pictures of themselves making fucking ugly faces. There is absolutely nothing attractive about looking like you're being ass raped while simultaneously eating lemons.
People who get pissed because I don't add them to my friends list. "Hey, what's up with you not adding me?" I don't want you as a friend, that's what's up, asshole.
Chainletters. No, I'm not going to be raped by some dead bitch in the middle of the night for not sending people SPAM in like 100 seconds or whatever. Stop being a moron.
Coldplay. Just.. no. Never.
A LOT of Mainstream Music
Those stupid banner ads on websites that say like "CLICK HERE FOR A FREE IPOD!" or "CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE OUR ONE MILLIONTH CUSTOMER!" when in reality, I've been the one millionth customer like twelve times today.
How every single girl has a picture of themselves doing the stupid peace sign. It's like they're all part of some secret Barbie doll club where they're all fake and plastic.
'Emo' and 'scene' kids. No one cares to hear your stories about how your mom or dad wouldn't get you the iphone so you could listen to your shitty music on it and have your fucking annoying pictures of you and your friends pouting. Stop taking over everything! If you want to complain about your PATHETIC problems, then go to a damn counselor. I'm sick of seeing the fucking bright colors, tight pants that suffocate you, and the shirts that are too tight and have childish prints on them.
Religion. Especially Christianity and Wicca. The religions in general piss me off.
People who say things like, "DON'T LABEL ME!!1/1!" I could care less about if people do or don't label each other. The "I'm not a can of soup" thing isn't going to work. Seriously, that's pathetic. You're going to get labeled something no matter what you do. I WILL Label you, and I'll enjoy every minute of it. You can't escape them. Calling someone pretty is a label. Your NAME is a label. Get the fuck over it. Embrace what you are and stop worrying about labels, we all use them.
People who lack a enormous amount of common sense.
Poor grammar.
When people put on the "dumb" facade. I can see right through it. I want to rip my insides out when I have to explain something so fucking simple and obvious.
Anime. I fucking hate it with a passion.
Slut faced hoe bags, or in other words, half the population of all girls.
Avenged Sevenfold. M. Shadows can't sing worth shit but yet everyone likes them.
When people put "LOL" after every fucking sentence.
Peta, because they are full of shit.