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*Pilih produk atau musik untuk dikirim sebagai kado
Hadiahkan produk:
Pembungkus kado:
Catatan: Kado hanya dapat dibeli dengan credits.
Kosongkan daftar kado: Untuk menghapus barang yang ada di daftar kadomu dari menu produk hadiah silakan Klik di sini
Relationship: Isn't that life?
Looking for: Don't mistake me for somebody who is looking for anything
Smoking: Cohiba Robustos @ the Club Couple times a Year, cuban only please with a good Pinot
Drinking: Vodka Martini Extra Dry Dirty
Hi hope you find something you like, cya
You've got to give a little love
to those who love to live
you've got to take a little hate
from those who have to wait
The word infinity proves you are me, and I am you.
If the concept of infinity exists then only one thing can be infinite.
Infinity implies it is limitless and therefore includes everything.
The ability to conceptualize infinity proves its existence.
Therefore outside of whatever you believe to be true.
We are all one thing with no beginning or end.
Close your eyes, listen to the wind in the far distance
Your heart beating in rhythm with the sound
Open the door it rushes in
Step outside and watch your thoughts
Never ending one after another
Never remembering the last before you think the next
Can you see its made to forget so you can be
Close the door so you can breath
Hey girl! I want you to know
I'm gonna miss you so much if you go
And hey girl! I tell you no lie
Something deep inside of me's going to die
If you must say so long
If you say good-bye
Problem is you was using me in a different way
then I was using you
How many miles will it take to see the sun
And how many years until it's done
Kiss my confusion away in the night
Lay by side when the morning comes
Random motion of particles
forms the matter we see real
Synchronized motion
forms the heaven we dream
Whether it behaves as a particle
or wave depends on the experiment
In life you receive what you perceive
Well, you went uptown ridin' in your limousine
With your fine Park Avenue clothes
You had the Dom Perignon in your hand
And the spoon up your nose
Ooh, and when you wake up in the mornin'
With your head on fire
And your eyes too bloody to see
Go on and cry in your coffee
But don't come bitchin' to me
Because you had to be a big shot, didn't cha
You had to open up your mouth
You had to be a big shot, didn't cha
All your friends were so knocked out
You had to have the last word, last night
You know what everything's about
You had to have a white hot spotlight
You had to be a big shot last night
And they were all impressed with your Halston dress
And the people that you knew at Elaine's
And the story of your latest success
You kept 'em so entertained
But now you just don't remember
All the things you said
And you're not sure that you want to know
I'll give you one hint, honey
You sure did put on a show
My Recent Visitors (0)
Jangan lewatkan pengunjung yang datang untuk memeriksa kamu. Sebagai VIP, Kamu dapat memulai membuat koneksi berharga hari ini!
By Connoisseurs' Guide
Connoisseurs' Guide to California Wines, Aug 02
Rated: 96
There was a time when it could take half a century for a Latour from a great vintage to mature. You can see it with this 1970, the one wine in the tasting that might still benefit from further aging. A full bodied, brawny wine with massive structure, but balanced by large doses of spicy fruit, the wine has extraordinary depth, and a long very drawn out finish. An old fashioned wine that takes decades to really show its magnificence, it is made for people prepared to lay it for their children, and probably their children's children. 96 points
Don't collect anything but the best, life is too short and you will never have enough special occasions to enjoy them. Mouton Rothschild my favorite, the wine is finese at its best and the label lets you enjoy a small piece of art. In fact the bottle with the nude is a collectors item because the label was not allowed to be disctributed in the United States. Can you imagine that???
Most favorite rider. Look at that form. It is an amazing thing to watch a natural.
Nothing in this section is updated regularly to take into consideration new features in imvu, css, html, or javascript unless I decide to. Therefore take a look at the posted date because there might be a simpler way to do it now.
Grab your visitors name
do you want to personalize your home page for visitors who are logged in?
the key point here is that the person must be logged in because if they aren't there is no name to grab out of the DOM object.
the basic concept to get someones name is quite simple.
when a person is logged in and they hit a link to your home page, their name is placed in the header of the html page that is sent to them from the web server.
because their name exist in the html page you can grab the name from the page and then write it to your page dynamically, making it look as if you know who they are.
dynamically modifying the html page requires you to use a scripting langauge, which is a little more complex then html or CSS, but can be lots of fun since you can use programming logic to write things to only certain people or whatever you want.
remember though don't put anything too private because your source code is viewable.
Ok so how do you do it? well recently imvu changed their header structure and made it a lot easier to grab the name.
no more parsing of strings to find the name. they actually made the name a reference and specified an id name for the tag called "mininav-avname."
therefore all you have to do is grab the html within the reference tag with that name and no further parsing is required.
of course, if imvu decides to change their header in the future you might have to use a different id and you might have to go back to parsing a string.
but for know it works.
the following image gives you the code that wrote the sentence with my id name in it for BBK.
its pretty self explanatory, not real hard just remember you have to form the syntax properly.
if you have problems feel free to drop me a note, and i might be able to help.
POSTED: October 2007
Place it were you want too
tired of having your images being put in the default place imvu positions them on your page? well putting images and for that matter any html between the right set of tags will allow you to position things where you want.
on the example image above, i placed the fintune plugin (which is enclosed within a table) in the middle of the CD covers imvu automatically creates when you select a song in the music section. this technique can be used to place anything anywhere that you want. you could use this instead of stickers if you like.
so what do you have to do? its easy, the magic of CSS allows you to easily place anything anywhere you like by placing things between a div or span tag. these tags allow you to separate your code into sections so that you can easily apply style properties to things enclosed within them. imvu makes placing things relative to a section pretty easy because each section is defined by a div tag. there are a few different ways things can be positioned with css. there's absolute, fixed, relative, and hmm? whats the other?
anyway i use a span tag and absolute to position my stuff relative to an imvu div tag cause i want it to move relative to the section and be placed over the object.
to see the exact code just do a view source on my page and a find for the my music section. my css can be found in the user html area.
in short what i do is define a class called .plc (short for place). the period before identifies it as a class where a # would define it as an id. Anyway the css for positioning is as follows:
DIV #music_panel_body .plc { position: absolute; left:180; top:140; width:600}
remember to place this between an open and close style tag. as you can see i have scoped it to be within the music_panel_body div tag. The property value for the positioning is set to absolute. the stuff inbetween a span tag with the class defined as .plc will be place from the left side 180 pixels and from the top 140 pixels.
once you have this defined then you just need to enclose the stuff you want to position between a set of span tags where the class is defined as "plc". for this example i did it around the table so the embedded object as well as the reference image is placed where i want it to go.
the complete code looks as follows:
POSTED: September 2007
Make an animated AVI clip
If you don't have the model to work with do the following to get a screen capture of your avatar:
1) Use something like Quick Screen Recorder to record the motion (run a dance loop or movement with a room) of your avi on your computer screen.
2) The recorder creates an avi file that you can edit with a lot of different programs. To make this gif i just reduced the number of frames, cropped it, and resized it using Jasc Animation Shop 3. You can be a lot more creative but it takes work. To make the gif with no background, I captured the movement of the avatars agains a green screen and used Jasc Animation to remove everything that color. The edges are a little jagged as you can see. This can be cleaned up using Jasc Paint Shop Pro but it requires u edit each frame individually, which is a lot of work. But if your animation is short it might be worth it to get a better product. NOTE: The steps you take to make the animation and edit also matter. Use high contrast clothing to the green sreen, shoot it with as much resolution as possible, remove the background, then resize to the gif size you want for the web page.
3) If you decide to edit each frame separately you then need to mport all of the frames in the right sequence (adding words or titles) in your favorite program to create the animated GIF, AVI, or FLASH.
NOTE: These animations are GIF format around 1 meg in size. You should notice it takes a while to download to your desktop (the image will move real slow because it is downloading each frame one at a time). Once it is downloaed it will run at the rate it was designed. You can write your html so that the image is not shown until it is downloaded or just let people see a slow image until it is completely downloaed. The other thing you might want to do is just to keept the animation much smaller this will help a lot. HAVE FUN.
POSTED: June 2007
Customize your visitor panel
There are four changes you need to make to the my vistor panel to make it look like the above
1) add scroll bars so that the my vistor block does not change size (NOTE:you can force the avatars
to be all the same size if you like which will acccomplish the same thing but I like the big avatars and
want to see them. therefore i opt for scrollbars to keep it consistent.)
2) Add a frame and background around the visitor avatars
3) change the header background and background text to the colors you want, and
4) Add a background image for the body
For 3) and 4) just go to edit mode to make the change using the edit tab for the my visitor panel. The
only trick you might not be familiar with is how to add a background image, since it requests a URL. The
easiest way to do this is to store the images you use on a site like or or
your own site if you have one so that you can reference an http url of your image. Make the image the
size of the default pixel size you will set below and load the image into your file hosting site. The
two sites above make it pretty easy to get a url. Copy the url, select the edit tab for background,
paste it into the url for backgound box, and save. Your image should be showing in the my vistor panel
when you preview. You can also do this with cSS.
To add a frame and background color to your visitor's avatars (number 2) you need to add custom CSS to
the panel. The same technique can be used to add an image that has a fancy border such as a border of
flowers, but you need to consider how to handle PNG avi's that expand. It can also be used in other
panels such as the message panel but you need to View the Source and search for the right CSS class or
id to use to add the correct properties too. For the My Vistors panel the best class to use is the
.avPic since it frames the entire avatar, URL, and status box no matter how large the avatar is when
displayed. If you use the IMG tag, it will outline the avatar image as well as the status image. Not
ideal since the status image when not on-line still exists and you see a box around the place the status
image would normally be. It also does not work well with large avatars, because it simply puts a box
around the width and height specified in the image tag.
To add the frame and background Use the edit HTML/CSS pick on the My Vistor panel and add this snippet
of CSS. (NOTE: the CSS must be placed between an open style tag and a close style tag. An open tag
starts with the symbol < and ends with >, the word style goes between them. A close style tag starts
with the same symbol but immediately after it a slash "/" is placed. That's the only difference. I'd
add it below but for some reason IMVU does not handle escapes correctly and I haven't had the timeto
figure out how to add code that can be copied easily. Therefore for now just imagine it or go to my site
and view the source code and search for My Visitors and look at the code. To do this on IE just select
View on your broswer and pick source. The source code for my page will pop-up which will allow you to
search and see the changes i have made to the My Visitors panel.)
So whats going on? The div#visitors_panel_body line is changing all references (Hyperlinks) to the
color #808080, which is the hexidecimal representation for the color gray I am using throughout my page.
The reason it is has a leading "#" sign is because it is an id versus a class. The div.avPic line is
adding a border that is 1pixel wide with 5 pixels of padding, and the black background #000000. The
.avPic is a class so it starts with a period. The CSS must be place between an open and close style
Ok to fix the size of the panel and make scrollbars appear when large avi's make the panel increase
add the following snipet of CSS between the style tags you added above.
The overflow property is what controls the scroll bar. Anything that requires more pixels then what is
allowed by the width adn height property will cause a scroll bar. The width and height obviously
control the size of the panel, and scrollbar-face-color porperty allows you to change the color of the
As you can see it's pretty easy to use CSS. Half the battel is figuring out which properties exist (and
work for each browser), and then figuring out how to add them to the proper class or id to get the
effecdt you are looking for. Any way have fun, hope it was useful (IWA). POSTED: July 2007
Visiting chicago
Ping Pong
3322 N Broadway St, Chicago
Recommend to hang, eat, and watch a cascade of personalities pass you on the sidewalk. The outside eating area is small and on the street side of the sidewalk. Sit inside by one of the glass doors that open onto the sidewalk. The mixed drinks are decorated with a special flare and served by an eccentric wait staff. The food was above average with the exception of the edamame. The Hot and sour soup is one of the best. POSTED Aug 2007
838 West Randolph, Chicago
Recommend if you like to people watch. Trendy area of west Randolph with lots of other eateries. Their lounge next door attracts personalities of all sorts, music blares, and spirits poor all night. Sit outside to eat and enjoy a hot summer chicago day. If you feel adventuresome, take advantage of the unisex bathrooms wth your partner. POSTED: Aug 2007
My trivia
Rollin down the street, sippin on gin and juice. Laid back with my mind on my money and my money on my mind. Rollin down 95 And you can see in my eyes that I'm lookin for a cutiepie eye
This is what happens to you after gettting a shot of demerol in the ER for a herniated disk in your neck, taking an oxycotine, and then thinking you can have a couple of martinis with dinner cause you're feeling no pain. Huh, this isn't the bed babe?
Being pulled on a tube in the middle of Lake Michigan by a Sundancer 340 with twin diesels. Ha Ha, gotta love it when you wipe out and forget to let go.
Sexiest picture of myself I could find. Hope you like the cerebral side of me.
Having worked part of my life on mega-projects with cool code names it's nice to finally see one appear in the public domain. And no they didn't all crash, lol.