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Avatar sejak: 2007-01-07
Umur: 34
Amerika Serikat - CA
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"hey im really 16. 5/26/93"

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message me i would message you back just to be nice.life has ups and downs.but the best things in life are free.love is one of those things.
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Status Hubungan: Sendiri
Mencari: Pertemanan
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hey all it's me hotgirlhot202.you know what im to poor to get anything.so if you could make my day and buy me something plz.that would be the best.i would love you like a brother or sister.so thanks!
Naughty69Player outfit r..::Standout Girl 2::..*Pc* Top Pink MaxiBelt[MOMO] WHITE JEWEL TOPANN Tie Back Dress WHITE
ANN Valentine Rose DressBuffy Chibby Kitty Mo©{K} HighWaist black/redspacerspacer
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