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Avatar since: 17/08/2006

Age: 71  Terverifikasi umur 18+ Age Verified
United States - CA
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~~Start out the year by getting on the bone marrow doner list~~~
Mencari: Pertemanan Generate Your Own Glitter Graphics @ - Image hosted by I LIVE for romance, candles, flowers, l*o*n*g s*l*o*w kisses... the kind that give you that butterflies in the tummy feeling and make ya weak in the knees, sunsets, clouds, walking on the beach, long drives in the mountains, meteor showers, holding hands, oil lamps, having my hair brushed, long baths with lots of bubbles and lavender scented water..and DARK CHOCOLATE !! Generate Your Own Glitter Graphics @ - Image hosted by ImageShack.usGenerate Your Own Glitter Graphics @ - Image hosted by
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Celebrate May Day ~~~Dance around the maypole~~~Enjoy spring and Mother's Day~~~
Daftar Keinginanku Free Glitter Graphics, Cartoon Dolls, Animated Icons, Friendster Graphics, Piczo Graphics, MySpace Graphics, MySpace Codes, MySpace layouts, Doll Codes from ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ This doubles as my shopping cart so don't feel the need to grant me one of my wishes *smiles*
myspace backgrounds
Myspace Backgrounds
*Green Shamrocks BG*Neon Pink Hearts BG+Ms. Jolly+ Hair Bowtrunda blackspacer
Grupku Lihat Grup IMVU!
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Cultivated Dreaming

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Mariah's Madhouse

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pics and stuff

1251 posting dari 81 anggota
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Peace and Love part 2

7892 posting dari 117 anggota
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Don't be is too short...lets talk about it Free Glitter Graphics, Cartoon Dolls, Animated Icons, Friendster Graphics, Piczo Graphics, MySpace Graphics, MySpace Codes, MySpace layouts, Doll Codes from If I don't "accept" please know it is nothing personal...I am either out of the room or busy on the computer and can't get away at that moment... Free Glitter Graphics, Cartoon Dolls, Animated Icons, Friendster Graphics, Piczo Graphics, MySpace Graphics, MySpace Codes, MySpace layouts, Doll Codes from
You scored as Cinderella. Your alter ego is Cinderella! You often find yourself doing a lot of housework, but if you are patient, your hard work usually pays off. You are prone to losing things, so dont rush through everything.





The Beast


Sleeping Beauty


Donald Duck






Snow White


Peter Pan


Cruella De Ville


Which Disney Character is your Alter Ego?
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friendly Teman 9
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~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~ ~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~ ~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~ ~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~ ~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~ ~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~ ~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~ ~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~ ~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~ ~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~ ~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~ ~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~ ~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~ ~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~ I LOVE being a Mother to my 2 boys (19 & 23) I LOVE my kitty- Cloud, and our new kitten Dusty. I LOVE my Mother and I LOVE God. I like to take photos, I make personalized cards and calendars with your own photos or mine . I LOVE country music and dancing, and have been a line dancing instructor. I am very much a romantic and am STILL looking for my knight in shining armor. My favorite color is purple. I get a really big kick out of decorating my page and rooms in here. I also have fun dressing up my avi. It is like playing with paper dolls when I was a girl. My yard is ALL flowers and I love to spend time out in it.I always have flowers in my home. I pray that all of our brave and heroic men and women in the military willbe safe and that we will complete our mission over there and that they will come home soon. Doing the right thing isn't always easy or PC. Tell any Military people you see that you are thankful for what they do for our country. May God Bless them all for choosing to be part of the BEST in the world!!!
CA, Gemini, -, United, States
Teman-temanku (9)
Generate Your Own Glitter Graphics @ - Image hosted by I have made some new friends here. Please feel free to go meet any of them. I think it is fun to talk to ALL different people. Any age~any country. I hope some day to be your friend as well. Have a GREAT day and take care. Hope to meet you. Free Glitter Graphics, Cartoon Dolls, Animated Icons, Friendster Graphics, Piczo Graphics, MySpace Graphics, MySpace Codes, MySpace layouts, Doll Codes from
~~Welcome to my tower. ~~ I love to come up here and survey my royal gardens. Feel free to wonder through the endless flowers, ride my beautiful unicorn, or take a spin on my carousel or you may pick up a book and sit up in my tower and read and smell the flowers and listen to the birds cheerful singing....~~*Gwynever*~~ ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Orang Baru Yang Menarik
Glitter Graphics, Myspace Glitters, Myspace Graphics from Free Glitter Graphics, Cartoon Dolls, Animated Icons, Friendster Graphics, Piczo Graphics, MySpace Graphics, MySpace Codes, MySpace layouts, Doll Codes from Check these people MAY be your new "best" friend...ya never know~~~ ~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~
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Come on in, I just made ice cream, want some? Free Glitter Graphics, Cartoon Dolls, Animated Icons, Friendster Graphics, Piczo Graphics, MySpace Graphics, MySpace Codes, MySpace layouts, Doll Codes from

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