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Eleoran  Anggota Klub VIP
Avatar since: 18/06/2007
VIP member since: 08/14/07
VIP member number: 2357

United States - IL
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Life is short and soon will pass only what\'s done for Christ will last
Relationship Status: Married
Looking For: Friendship

Lord I have ONE Desire ths New Year, One thing I ask of you. Make Me Whole. I Surrender All I am and All I want is to be Sanctified for your Purpose. Vigilant, to know Your Voice,Holy Spirit..
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Dapatkan lencana ini Holy Spirit of Truth
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Through the leading of the Holy Spirit this man is my miracle . I have never known such humbleness of heart,such quiet strength, such meekness of spirit in anyone; but Christ himself. I praise the One who made me that he has brought us together. This is a true servant of the Most High God that i am blessed to know as my beloved husband. Darling may we Glorify God together forever......I love You TC.

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