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Avatar sejak: 2006-07-30
Umur: 34
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See My Albums (5)

Welcome, you've found yourself in the lair of DancingCadavers, i'm a photographer. Please don't whine to me about your problems if i know don't you, i won't care let alone reply but i'm always up for normal chatting.

Want to know more about me go here: www.myspace.com/dragonfire6665
Want to see more of my work go here: www.myspace.com/dancingcadaverphotography

I'm very proud of my photos live and still work and i enjoy every moment with my cameras but just because i hate artifically enhacing them doesnt mean i cant.I appreciate people looking at them and i love to hear back on what people think of them and i reward promotion with gifts ;- ).

This is one of my favorite photos:
"Petrified Chameleon Eye" Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Its a air shaft from an abandoned railway line.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
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Lime Surgical Mask$Rave PosesGreen Is GoodEnvy Dread Falls[ACS] TOROIDAL SOFA
EoE Medieval CloakNatia~ Widow Lakeblue gas maskThe Offset Standing SpotMulti purpose spot
Light up lanternVortex of the universeVideo Camrea Left sideEye scarbullet hole 2
Orang Baru Yang Menarik

"Pass me something Sharp and Wicked and I'll pass it back don't worry I'll pass it back."
Hey click on the axe

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