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Avatar sejak: 2007-05-21
Umur: 36
Amerika Serikat - NY
Terakhir masuk:

"Not single"

Lihat Album Ku (2)

This defiantly beats normal text chatting. Well, you can call me Clodaus or Mike - whichever you prefer. You're not going to find much in this profile - I generally don't make my personal life public. If you'd like to chat, I'd be more than happy to tell you. If I don't respond - nothing against you. I'm probably just busy.

As for what I don't mind people knowing - I'm a software and web developer. I'm cheery and sarcastic, and if you're bored / down I won't mind being bored with you or cheering you up (or maybe instead I'll end up boring you, or who knows, it may be fun). In my spare time I chat, play World of Warcraft (that game will be the end of us all), and spend time with my girlfriend.

Status Hubungan: Berpacaran
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Teman-temanku (2)

Here are the people who were crazy enough to add me. They're at the highest risk for me bugging them when I'm bored.

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And of course we can't forget those who visited and were undoubtedly unimpressed with the content.

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