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pengatur jarak
pengatur jarak
Name: Rose
Age: Old enough
Location: Your bf's room
Hobbies; shopping, texting and chatting
Sex: No thank
Status: Single
leave a message and i will do the same

no chain messages please

if you leave me a message and i dont reply, it does not mean i will ignoring you, give me some time

please do not add me unless we had a chat

Get to know me before you judge me
My Personal Lesson
In this life; you can not please anyone. Sometimes the one you want to impress the most will be the same one who does not notice or appreciate you.
You will try everything in this world but yet you get the cold shoulder, whatever you seems to do will not be enough.
When they need you, they expect you to be there but when you need them, they will be no where to be found.
The only solution in this world is; always put your happiness above another because when you do that, no one will expect anything from you.
Believe in yourself and always know that you will make the right choice and if you don't then it will be a lesson.
pengatur jarak

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