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Avatar sejak: 2006-07-21
Age: 43
Amerika Serikat - WA
Terakhir masuk:

"Wielder of the Yellow Crayon"

Lihat Album Saya (1)

Hubungi saya
Don't bother asking for gifts or money. Almost all of my money goes to submissions. Though I have been known to give gifts it is never to someone who asks. Only to those who deserve it without knowing it.
hubungi pesan tambahkan kontak selanjutnya Blokir
Daftar Keinginanku
*P* Ivy Goddess CastleTreetop GardenMercury HyunshinJapan Sakura takuAnimatd Japan lotus pond
Noscere Eyes - InspiredMermaid EyesMagic RoomTwo Story Home[M.M] Dances of Death
T3 LeatherBound Orb Lamp[ACS] GLITTER EYES BLACKSilent Lake CabinMoonlight Grotto, LOCKEDCherry: falling petals
Dreamy Eyes-Light BlueN- Black Celtic Shawl(f)N- Iron Garden SetN- AryaThe Land of Grimm
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friendly Teman 17
visitors Pengunjung 979
kharma Hadiah 6
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Produk Baruku Lihat semua
After moving across the country I am still without internet at home. That does not mean I haven't been making stuff, though! LOL As soon as I'm back online I will be submitting a lot of masks as well as a few outfits ^_^ (Though it's hard to match seams without the programs that require internet)
Sprawling Roots MaskWater Beast MaskEmerald Wing Gown
Elegant Silver - RubyElegant Silver - EmeraldElegant Silver -Amethyst
Orang spesial
My husband ^_^ Yay!
Grupku Lihat Grup IMVU!
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Mystic Investigations

21 posting dari 25 anggota
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Sage Circle

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