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Avatar sejak: 2006-11-29
Umur: 31
Terakhir masuk:

"forget what i said, your all that i need"

Lihat Album Ku (2)

for starters i'm ellie,
i'm always on myspace, hardly on imvu. still leave me comments for when i come on, the more comments and gifts i get the more i'll come on heheh

Status Hubungan: Sendiri
Mencari: Obrolan
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Spoil me (:
(m) Melissa Kannibal(m) pink scene topIced Pink/Smoke Med[SD] Hotties again!O.O~Mint Bow
Dr Suess long tee[Foxi]Xray Long TeeNeonGreen KG i-MVU[Foxi]skully rain boots-eNv- FadedDenim&Belt
ANN Skeleton DressT3 Zen Sakura Seating{K} Black Stones RingT3 Zen Sakura CraftsmanTiki Island
[Foxi]cute overall dressPretty*Slides* ~ Lemonspacerspacerspacer


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