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Avatar sejak: 2006-06-13
Umur: 48
Amerika Serikat - MT
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"Avoid pinpricks that preceed cannons."

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"Master K'ung said, There are three sorts of friend that are profitable, and three sorts that are harmful. Friendship with the upright, with the true-to-death and with those who have heard much is profitable. Freindship with the obsequious, friendship with those who are good at accomodating their principles, friendship with those who are clever at talk is harmful."-Confucius

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Friendship with a woman is therefore apt to be more or less than friendship; less, because there is no intellectual parity; more, because (even when the relation remains wholly dispassionate, as in respect to old ladies) there is something mysterious and oracular about a woman's mind which inspires a certain deference and puts it out of the question to judge what she says by masculine standards."-George Santayana
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"I have never come across anyone in whom the moral sense was dominant who was not heartless, cruel, vindictive, log-stupid, and entirely lacking in the smallest sense of humanity. Moral people, as they are termed, are simply beasts. I would sooner have fifty unnatural vices than one unnatural virtue."-Oscar Wilde(1854-1900)
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"Great persecutors are recruited among martyrs whose heads haven't been cut off."-B.M. Cioran, Romanian-born, Parisian philosopher
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"If nations wished to avoid war, they would avoid the pinpricks that preceed cannon shots"- Napoleon Bonaparte

"Say to yourself at daybreak: I shall come across the busybody, the thankless, the overbearing, the treacherous, the envious, the unnieghborly. All this has befallen them because they know not good from evil." -Marcus Aurelius Antonius

"When I hear the word 'culture' I reach for my revolver." -Hanns Johst, German writer, 1890-killed in World War II

"The United States has broken the second rule of war. That is, don't go fighting with your land army on the mainland of Asia. Rule number one is, don't march on Moscow. I developed these two rules myself." -Viscount Montgomery of Alamein (Sir Bernard Law), British officer, World War II.

"Human life is limited, but knowledge is limitless. To drive the limited in persuit of the limitless is fatal; and to presume that one really knows is fatal indeed!" -Chauang-Tzu, Chinese Mystic (Third and fourth century B.C.)

"'Do not forget, Sancho,' replied Don Quixote, 'that there are two kinds of beauty, one being of the soul and the other of the body. That of the soul is revealed through intelligence, modesty, right conduct, generosity, and good breeding, all of which may exist in an ugly man; and when one's gaze is fixed upon beauty of this sort and not upon that of the body, love is usually born suddenly and violently.'" -"Don Quixote" by Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra, Spanish novelist (1547-1616)

"Gold is tried by fire, brave men by adversity." -Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the younger), Spanish born Roman statesman, 4 B.C.-65 A.D.

"I am one of those who do not believe that a national debt is a national blessing, but rather a curse to a republic; inasmuch as it is calculated to raise around the administration a moneyed aristocracy dangerous to the liberties of the country." -Andrew Jackson, 7th U.S. President (1768-1845)
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