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Avatar sejak: 2006-11-10
Umur: 65
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"Helllooo and Welcome"

Lihat Album Saya (1)

Hi and welcome to my page....I am 54 years young,happily married and live on Vancouver Island in beautiful British Columbia Canada. I'm pretty easy going....my best friend in the world is my sister Alliekitten and yes she is my actual sister. If you have taken the time to stop by my page please leave a message, but please under no circumstances leave me spam. I recently started doing developing here on imvu so take a moment to check out my products. Nothing personal but I prefer to not chat with people under the age of 18. Have a great day/night

Status Hubungan: Menikah

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A few of my favorite developers

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Party Clubs Rooms and Scenes By SamyB4u

V4NY Products

Daftar Keinginanku

Faux Cow CoatT3 Ayu Vamp Red[LG] HotSox Heels 4Victorian Boot Black T[M.M] Borghild Dress
Caribbean Pirate IslandBlood&BlackAyuRed Aeris hairHippy - Blood~K~Jeans Country Summer
[H] BubbleGum BlueBerrysexsi t shirtRed persephone hairsoft red valentinePersephone A.H.Lights GB
{K} White Layered Minispacerspacerspacerspacer
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My sister and best friend and probably the nicest person you will ever meet :)

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