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Avatar sejak: 2008-01-08
Age: 48 Terverifikasi umur 18+ Usia Terverifikasi
Amerika Serikat - OH
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"Singur este comun, fiind dorit este noua!"

Lihat Album Saya (1)

Mencari: Obrolan
Daftar Keinginanku
*Kindras Wall LightTribal Tattoo Goth Skin[MS]Sarah Black Purpled4! Dominica NightElfZephyr Skin Vamp White
Artemis V5Lumimous Purple LampPurple Butterfly Shirt!(A)PurpleUndrgroundClub-©p Vanity Dress
[V4NY] V4NY07 Head(LL)XKS Purple Vest Fit(T68)SmokeyLeather7/ItemAntique Coffee Table*SYN*TwilightShimmer-V2
Z Vintage G&R Anim BedAntique Eclipsespacerspacerspacer
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AzureaunDreams tidak memiki seseorang yang spesial.

Our paths crossed...and together we shall as sisters, claim the unknown...
From the union of two powerful beings was born this lovely flower. The only thing closer to me than the darkness I embrace.
You've been there through out all that I've done, And our friendship is more than true. We are two, but we stand as one, And I don't know what I would do without you.
I really want to thank you For being by my side And always staying calm for me When its not a perfect ride.
A sister of a sister, welcome to the fold. Don't de shy have fun, heed the tales we have told. Its a shame you love PINK!
You're someone I can count on when I need a helping hand. You're compassionate and loving you always understand. I'm so thankful to have someone in my life who has a heart so true.
The bond we share will always be strong. In my eyes you can do no wrong. With a sister like you I cannot lose, because my evil sister, No one could fill your shoes.
Your quick witted humor always makes me laugh. My neice, my love the one I adore. What aunt could ask for anything more.
Gangster to most Sweet Prince to me. Your looks can't deceive The dark nephew I see.
A nephew who hides in the shadows, quick-witted and strong. Come take your palce in the Realm of Dreams where you belong...

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Vampire Quiz!!!
Your Result: Lustful Vampire

You are the lustful vampire. You are very into sexual situations and love to make people/other vampires uncomfortable with your sexuality. You are constantly trying to get in bed with girls/guys by whatever means possible.

Dark Vampire
Angelic Vampire
Sweet Vampire
Vampire Quiz!!!
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

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