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Avatar sejak: 2006-11-29
Umur: 45
Amerika Serikat - WI
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"How does it feel to know you have brought pleasure to the damned?"

Lihat Album Saya (1)

An elderly man was sitting alone on a dark path, right?

He wasn't certain of which direction to go, and he'd forgotten both where he was traveling to and whom he was. He'd sat down for a moment to rest his weary legs, and suddenly looked up to see an elderly woman before him. She grinned toothlessly and with a cackle, spoke:

"Now your *third* wish. What will it be?"

"Third wish?" The man was baffled. "How can it be a third wish if I haven't had a first and second wish?"

"You've had two wishes already," the hag said, "but your second wish was for me to return everything to the way it was before you had made your first wish. That's why you remember nothing; because everything is the way it was before you made any wishes." She cackled at the poor berk.
"So it is that you have one wish left."
"All right,"said the man, "I don't believe this, but there's no harm in wishing. I wish to know who I am."

"Funny," said the old woman as she granted his wish and disappeared forever.

"That was your first wish."

Orang Baru Yang Menarik

You scored as Dragon, Dragon: Now talk about a legend. These magnificent creatures are of many species. Some can be as large as the Earth itself, while others are as small as a mouse. One image that comes to everyone's mind is the large, fire breathing Dragons that loathed humans and loved to sleep on massive piles of gold. Not all dragons have a bad reputation. Most dragons are very wise, caring, and protective. It would make a person very lucky indeed to meet a dragon. Especially if they walked away untouched. I admire your wisdom, for you are the Ancient Dragon.













What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
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