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Avatar sejak: 2006-05-26
Terakhir masuk:

"Vampire Queen"

Lihat Album Saya (10)

free counters If you stop by make sure to leave a message ok? I might just go and leave you one too! And if I dont accept a chat request I'm either 1) not at the computer at the moment, or 2) I have to many chats open and my computer is slowing down because of it. So dont get upset please!!! OK? Thanks!!!!!

Relationship Status: Divorced
Looking For: Chatting
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This is just basically stuff that I want to buy. So I put them here to remind me what I'm trying to save up credits for. But if you want to get me something for my birthday I wouldn't stop you.
Aquamarine Princess~Z~Water~Goddess~DWG Outfit BundleBlue Button Dress; W.B Fire - Dress
Classic Princess Dress[AT] Blue Seras UniformÇ~ DMG Outfit+Y Major Arcana RobeDWG Top
+Alice+ 2010<MS> AthenaFemaleSheik - Outfit (D)(n)water priestess gown(n)Anbu Outfit 1
(n)Anbu Outfit 3(n)Bug Princess Outfitspacerspacerspacer
Produk Baruku Lihat semua
InuyashaDrained Apple StickerBeauty
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friendly Teman 10
visitors Pengunjung 490
kharma Hadiah 6
generosity kedermawanan 15

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