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Avatar sejak: 2006-12-06
Age: 41
Amerika Serikat
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"Even death cannot stay this hand."

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"Heard a carol, mournful, holy, chanted loudly, chanted lowly, 'till her blood was frozen slowly, and her eyes were darkened wholly, Turn'd to tower'd Camelot. For ere she reach'd upon the tide, the first house by the water-side, singing in her song she died, The Lady of Shalott." -- Alfred Lord Tennyson

How did you die in your past life? (for everyone)

You commited suicide. I don't know why but the world was just getting to be to much for you. You felt as if even the people that sincerly wanted to help you were only making things worse. But now you're back because you have a mission to fufill that you never got to finish before. So don't give up, you're here for a reason that you don't know about yet.
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Don't let the monkey in my closet get me!

Proof that girls can be geeks too!
Teman-temanku (4)
 Messing with my friends makes Kirby mad....

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Why are you crying? (beautiful pics)

You're crying because you're afraid. I don't know why you're afraid of course, but lots of people are trying to tell you to get over it. But to you, it's not that simple. You're sick of people trying to understand you. All you want is for somone to just listen to you and let you clear your mind. You want more than anything to not be afraind anymore. You also want someone to understand you.
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We meet 'neath the sounding rafters,
The walls around us are bare;
They echo the peals of laughter,
It seems the dead are there.

So stand by your glasses steady,
This world is a world of lies.
Here's a toast to the dead already;
Hurrah for the next man who dies.

Cut off from the land that bore us,
Betrayed by the land we find.
The good men have gone before us,
And only the dull left behind.

So stand by your glasses steady,
The world is a web of lies.
Here's a toast to the dead already-
And hurrah for the next who dies!

Music for the soul.
Music for the heart.
A song to move you.
A song to make you never want to leave.
A melody that echo's your emotions.
A melody that brings back memories.
A familiar tune heard amongst the din of the world.
A familiar tune that gives you hope.
Music is a gift. Cherish the song. Hold onto the melody. Move to the tune.

furry, guitar, Art, music, Wolves, animals, Metallica, FoX, furries, nature, Evanescence, wicca, Roleplaying, gaia, webcomics, Dr. Pepper, garou, skunks, world of darkness, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Children of Gaia
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Stuff I'd like to have!
[M] Tie Back Dress LolaBuffy Amethyst Gypsy Toptribal pantsELVEN Neon City Dressdark grey hair
gummy bearsMidnight RogueBasili Coat in CharcoalOne Winged Angelkairi platinum
May the spark-Flav-Singl3Broken Heartspacerspacer
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