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~I'm Sorry If I'm Not Perfect I'm Sorry If You Don't Like Me But What I'm Not Sorry For Is Being Myself Love Me Or Hate Me It's Your Pick~

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.:Without My Friends I'd Be Nothing. You Know Who You Are(: ♥ :.
~Peace And Love~

.:About Me?:.
She goes by GG. Her real name remains a mystery. Only to be revealed to certain people. Age is nothing but a number in this complex world. If you are a pedophile; I highly suggest you leave. It's for your own good. This "About Me" is written in the perspective of a boy, who claims he knows this marvelous girl very well. Too start off, I have to say she is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. She really knows how to make your time worth while. By leaving this page, without leavng a message, your losing the chance to meet an incredible girl. She has a kind soul, Vicious mind. A wonderful mix. Am I right? She is rare. You don't meet any girl like this off the streets. From the time I have gotten to know this girl, I have to say.. She is fucking weird. But, It's what makes her, her. She wouldn't be the same if she was just.. Dull. She has an intelligent mind; Even if she says she doesn't. No one really knows what the mind is be capable of; Until you extend it to remarkable limits. What is her talent? She has many. But that my friend, is my little secret and for you to find out. Share my secret with me, please? I honestly have to say, this girl is worth your time. Some people know this, some will find out. In this world, everyone is different. Unique in their own way. I found out, that this girl, explains it all. She is different from average girls her age. That's what catches my eye the most. Conversations with her, are like mini orgasims. She knows how to hit the spot. A conversation with GG is NEVER boring. She is the least bit boring. She always has something to say, even if you don't. Talk with her. Trust me, she's worth your time
My Fxcking Loves(:
I Fxcking Love Yall And I mean It, You've found a way to my heart and have left your mark<33

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