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Opal outfit black(Ð) Runway Black Shorts-BarbieDoll- Skin3(Ð) Jen Sunset Mocha(Ð) Polka Kini Black
(Ð) Kiki Sunset Brown*L Scorcher V2{e}Urban Vampire V2.E™|Dolce stockings[KKS] SALSA DANCE
.E™|Dolce top.E™|MEGA;white.E™|Dipped Nails ;nox$ Yoga-ta get this blue!(AXXX) NG Shoes II
$ Girlicious Outfit 1$ Silver Sequin dress$ Black ROSA$ Pearl/Golden Beadsspacer
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damn it. i love this girl, she has really good since of humor, good since in fashion, and knows the friends to hang with. She keeps me company when im down all the time. She makes me smile, haha were just like gum stuck to a cafeteria table. Me and her will always be bestfriends. i<3 u sis no matter what goes. -chloe i
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Avatar sejak: 2007-01-28
Age: 35
Amerika Serikat - PA
Terakhir masuk:

"Your Love Is My Drug"

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Status Hubungan: Sendiri
Mencari: Pertemanan