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Total bliss is reading a good book, when I'm all rugged up & warm on the couch & it's raining outside, & I've got a warm cup of hot chocolate beside me.
Cuddles & kisses, tender moments, makes my heart melt.
Mmmm, creamy pumpkin soup with a dash of sour cream & some spring onion.
I love the smell of fresh rain, I love seeing the rain on the road when the sun comes out, & the way it radiates off the bitumen.
Don't ask me for gifts. If I think you deserve one, I'll give you one, of my own free will.
Stop asking me to vote for you in whatever contest you're in. If I think your entry is decent & deserving of being the winner, then I will vote for you. Begging me to vote for you will result in me giving you a negative vote.
The sound of the ice cream truck coming around the corner & fading off into the distance as he leaves the block takes me back to happy childhood memories.
I love the mist in the air first thing in the morning, seeing the dew on all the plants in the garden & the serenity of the neighborhood as everyone wakes up.
I love socks, I love wearing socks, & I love stockings, especially colourful ones with stripes, & fishnets - how I love fishnets!
I hate seeing homepages plastered with stickers. It makes my head hurt, & it looks messy & tacky.
I love lying awake in bed in the morning, stretching & slowly waking up, nestled between the warm blankets, before I have to drag myself out of bed & into work.
I lurrrrve cherries (no, I'm not being kinky!!)
I love the idea of eating vegetables & being healthy - rarely ever do it though. But I guess it's the thought that counts...
I love brocolli, brussell sprouts & snowpeas. Yea, I'm a freak I know.
I love listening to The Butterfly Effect (they're an Australian band, as well as a cheesy American movie) - they make me go weak in the knees.
I'm all over the place.
I'm a bit of a spelling & grammar nazi. They don't call me Miss Spelling Bee for nothing.
If I don't like you, it's nothing personal. If I get a gut feeling about somebody, or bad impressions of them, then I stick to it. Bad luck for you, because I find it very hard to get over.
I don't like being stereotyped, or told what kind of person I am... Unless I ask.
My sense of humour is most often in the gutter. Consider yourselves warned!
I have an attitude & I know how to use it.
If I want your opinion, I will ask for it.
I don't like people who stereotype themselves.
If you ask me for cyber, I will stop talking to you, pronto.
You laugh because I'm different, I laugh because you're all the same.
I hate people in general, & probably much like everyone else, I wish everyone thought the same way as me.
I cannot, will not, tolerate bad manners.
I don't like placing trust in people.
I always expect the worst in any situation, that way I can only be pleasantly surprised.
I like blue crispy M&M's the best.
Bought a packet of Snakes Alive, opened them up, & they're all dead! Must have suffocated in the bag!
Being right is highly overrated. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
And last - but certainly not least - I may not be hot, I may not be beautiful, & I may not be thin, but one thing I am, is REAL. I'm a great person, I don't need your approval.
Status Hubungan: Berpacaran
Daftar Keinginanku
Gifts are not necessary & by no means do I expect them - but of course, they are always appreciated...