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Avatar since: 27/05/2006

Age: 38
United States - CA
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Status Hubungan: Berpacaran
I am a bisexual though i prefer women, and enjoy dominating both genders. I would rarely be submissive though. As a warning, i dont take kindly to anyone who disapproves of how i live, keep it to yourself.
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feel free to add me :) If you wanted to leave me a few credits or gifts, id always love u, lol Banners! weeee!
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should you buy me a gift i will thank you ASAP with whatever, thanks for checkin
[Sx]NemesiS PVC Suit [B][GW] everREaDy[Sx]Xh@RM@C PVC Suit[Fly] Black ElisaDistressed Vinyl Skirt
Special Energy BeamCrimson AmazonN- AnaraChic Kendra BlackBeach Poses 5 & Towel
~M~ Death Warmed-OverLight to Dark Green Eyez[BC] Lacey PJ'sExecutive Leather LoveDrow Skin
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I LOVE PANDAS Leave a message if im not on or in an unresponsive mode such as Do Not Disturb

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