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Avatar sejak: 2007-03-13
Umur: 32
Amerika Serikat - NJ
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"Lol. i haven\'t been on in SOOO long but i\'m back. Hit me up. :]"

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RISSA HERE! mkay well... chyeah i'm that emo BiTcH ur momma worned yooh bout :] I'm 13 years old. I love shopping alot!! XP Uhh i do cut... >.< most of my friends don't care though. i LOVE eyeliner :] lol I thinks EmO guys are AMAZINGLY SEXXAY!! :] lol Bi guys turn meeh on XP lol. XeMoXsKiTtLeS13 (CrYsTaL) is my BESTEST FRIEND BITCHH!!! She is my prostitute!! YOOH MESS WIF MY PROSTITUTE I'LL KILL YOOH :] lol XD Unfateful (CoRy) is CrYsTaL's bf!! he's awshum tooh :] he's my emo twinzy :P PSH!!! YOOH NO YOOH WISH HE WAS UR EMO TWINZY!!! :P I love screamo mussica!! MuSiC = RiSsA's LIFE. BECAUSE MY HEART IS IN OHIO!! >.< oh... lol hahaha i was listening to Ohio is for lovers wen i wrote this :] the 1st half of my play list is my favorit songs ^.^ UhHhH.. i love talking to ppl :] inless im outa the loop :[ wich i usualy am >.< which sucks. :] I'll talk to guys && grls on here. I'm not usualy a bitch inless i'm in a bad mood && that's wen i'll decline chat requests.. :[ SRRY >.< lol but ChYeAh.. i love meeting ppl on here it's alot of fun :] i have 2 bro's 1st 14 (don't rlly like him) && the others 20 :] (his names cory && he's my fav bro) Cory's like awshom!! :] wen Nathaniel (14 year old) was born Cory told my mom she had to keep having babies till she had a grl cuz he wanted a lil sister.. Me :] I have 4 cats, but i realy want 2 dogs.. a Pitbul && a palmeranian XP i love Horseback riding :P OHKAY... WELL...if yooh wanna learn more about RiSsA just chat wif meeh :] MKAY Well... TTYL THEN!!! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket .< lol O.O she FlImInGo'D MEEHH!!!!!!!! O.o i'm a very sexy flimingo and she's a sexy candle... :P lol inside jokers HAHA!!! yooh wish yooh new but yooh don't!! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Status Hubungan: Sendiri
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