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Avatar sejak: 19/06/2007

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Hello there! Are you up for a friendly chat?

To introduce myself I would like to tell all the nice women out there who message me that I am flattered by their messages but also to let them know that I am engaged to a wonderful woman.

I am here to meet new peoples as online friends, eventually if we are lucky those friendships will last and could make us real life buddies, who knows?

I currently live in France, 30 minutes from Paris, in a nice neighborhood. I work as IT Business Analyst for an american corporation installed also in France, but i might quit to go back to the USA. I used to live in Texas from 1997 until 2002 and I loved it.

If you think we can have interesting things to talk about, and if i am online but not already overbooked, I will be pleased to chat with you!

Wishing you all a nice day :)


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A little joke for my buddies, please forgive me if it looses meaning in the translation:

It is during World War 2, a french fighter pilot is refugee in England because France is invaded ..

He is in a park having a sandwich with his English girlfriend.. summer time, beautiful weather, and his girlfriend is getting excited at the situation

She tells him, Pierre, kiss my lips ..

The French guy gets a big glass of red wine and then kiss his girlfriend.

She is surprised and she asked him:

Pierre, why you did this?

So he says, with strong French accent, so it is best if I tell you:

I am PIERRE, the FRENCH Fighter Pilot, When I get red meat, I get red wine

His English girlfriend is a bit shocked that the French guy says her lips are meat but she enjoyed the kiss.. after a while, she is thinking she wants more than that.. so she opens the top of her dress a bit and tell him with a shy voice:

Pierre, kiss me here.. and showing her breast ..

Pierre, as good French man, obeys a woman desire..

He gets a big glass of white wine and kiss her madly on the chest.

She gets very surprised at her boyfriend strange attitude, so she asks him:

Pierre, why you got a glass of white wine this time?

He replies, with the same very strong French accent, and proud voice:

I am PIERRE, the FRENCH Fighter Pilot, When I get white meat, I drink white wine!

The English girlfriend is very surprised now.. she starts to think maybe her French boyfriend is a total lunatic, but his kisses were nice, and now she feels really hot

She looks both sides, see that nobody is around, and drops her dress to be totally naked.. She tells him:

Pierre, kiss me down here now and shows her sex.

The French fighter pilot gets a bottle of whiskey, drinks direct from the bottle, spit whiskey on his girlfriends sex and starts fire with his cigarette ..

The girl screams, runs and jump in the lake near them, and from the water she screams at him

You stupid crazy mad frenchman, why did you do that this time ???

And Pierre, still with his proud strong French accent replies:

I am PIERRE, the French fighter pilot, if I must go down, I go down in flames

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