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KIrim Pesan
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*Pilih produk atau musik untuk dikirim sebagai kado
Hadiahkan produk:
Pembungkus kado:
Catatan: Kado hanya dapat dibeli dengan credits.
Kosongkan daftar kado: Untuk menghapus barang yang ada di daftar kadomu dari menu produk hadiah silakan Klik di sini
Gender: If you're a boy, I'll be the girl.
Age: What do you prefer?
Location: Your lap. ♥
Last log on: That one time.
Name: Ivonna Humpalot
♥ If I am in Buddies Only Mode, it's for a reason. Please don't add me to your friends list if I'm in that mode. Instead, leave me a message or something and I'll get back to you. I'll more than likely invite you when I'm out of Buddies Only Mode when you're online if you've left me a message. ♥
::If you fail to follow this simple task, I will reject your friend request and not contact you when I am in Available Mode. I might even ignore you.::
Thanks. :]
p.s. I don't have msn, aim, yahoo, or icq. So don't ask.
Daftar Keinginanku
♥ This wishlist is for me to remember what I want to purchase myself, but if you really want to get me something be my guest :D ♥
Hubungi saya
♥ Now that you've started reading this, DON'T STOP! Thanks for visiting my homepage and please, leave a message! I reply to mostly all of them. If you don't leave a message, no one will appear at the foot of your bed, poised and ready to kill you, and you won't have 10 years of bad luck. If you do leave a message, you won't receive millions of credits, and your crush won't call you at midnight, but, you will make me a very happy person :D ♥ p.s. Chainmail = Bad. So don't do it.