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Avatar sejak: 2007-12-07
Umur: 32
Amerika Serikat - NJ
Terakhir masuk:

"No matter how far we go, no matter how much you may hate me in the future, I will always love you. -"

Lihat Album Ku (3)


its hard to be a Diamond in a Rhinestone world. I gotta shine the brightest. So, Talk your shit. Your only making me famous.

I'm Destiny. Weirdest Yet Coolest person you'll ever meet. My friends say I'm amazinggg. And I love them to death. Even through the hard times.

I'm creative and fun. Knows how to have a good time. I Havvveee to be different. What fun is it being like everyone else? I have my own opinions. Shoot me. I promise you a fun fun time. :]

I don't really like school. But, I absolutely HATE Doctors and Dentists. They are my worse fear. Though, my mother is a nurse. So, I don't need a doctor anywayyy.

I have recently learned that everyone is a hater. Everyone talks shit. Your lucky if you have one true friend. I know I have at least one. Her name is Kristen Taylor. To all the players out there: Break her heart, And I'll break yer face. :]

I Hattteee when people label me. I'm not a toy. I'm a person. Isn't that good enough? I'm just mee. So haterss can suck itt. Do me a favor and quit with the label Bull. Thhankss. :]

Pop Pop Vineyard
Uncle Robert
We love you♥
Forever and always

Hit Me Upp<3
I have aim, msn, myyearbook, and a phone with text.
Don't be shy. Just ask for it<33
Status Hubungan: Sendiri
Mencari: Pertemanan
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Buy me these and I will love you ferever! =D
[AB]Rockabilly TopFishnets & Tights - PinkSpiked Leather LeftWrist*RB Rainbow KannibalAlex leather glovers
*3* Sweet Attitude poses[bz] Bold Snaress Pink[Izlv]Emi-Crown{white}[bz] Brash Micro PinkRainbow Panda
RLove Biker Necklace 04Skinny Jeans BLACKANIMATED rainbow glospacerspacer
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