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Avatar since: 26/07/2007

United States - GA
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the spazztastically awsome Neko/Furry :P
Status Hubungan: Lajang


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Grupku Lihat Grup IMVU!

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Furry Pride

17608 posting dari 13768 anggota
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29628 posting dari 17704 anggota
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Final Fantasy VII

38 posting dari 16946 anggota
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Mythical Beings

1 posting dari 3 anggota
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shinra corpration

546 posting dari 48 anggota
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Jenova's Witnesses

59 posting dari 13 anggota
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Animal & Human elemental colection

17 posting dari 6 anggota
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Fable Fans

180 posting dari 114 anggota
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Organization XIII (13)

68 posting dari 50 anggota
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Land of the misfit furrys

1703 posting dari 268 anggota
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Cavern of the Dragons of Light

250 posting dari 86 anggota
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Kingdom of the LightDragons

649 posting dari 36 anggota
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Picture Pros

1203 posting dari 722 anggota
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Jenova's witness

10 posting dari 10 anggota
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2261 posting dari 1546 anggota
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Villainous Robo-Rabbits and Mad Scientists

4938 posting dari 8947 anggota
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Dragon Dynasty

2601 posting dari 2100 anggota
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The Meltingpot

793 posting dari 3760 anggota
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Daftar Keinginanku
What rank in a wolf pack would you be?

You're the ALPHA! YAY YOU! You're a strong, intellegent alpha. You lead the pack through everything!! You're mate is really important, as well as you're pack and pups. Go you, You're like me. I'm the alpha of a pack already! xP
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Cute Kids Voices FOrest Elfs Halloween COstumes GirlsMaya Kawaii Furry Female[N] Dainty hands[CFP] Kelly GreenWonderland (F)
Fuzzy Chesh Tail!Converse|SplatterStripeSPLATTER JEANS$'C Pant-straps|m+fIll* Owl City Boat {F}
Ill* Owl City Rain {F}m.. Back Note Free Hugs! Black Heart In Mouth[Psi] TapeMe Blk[:3] GameB0w Rainb0w
[:3]BlackCatSounds (F)[GB]GuroRainbow Sneakers[GB] Messily's Hoodie$b/p Nose Staple [4]spacer
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