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Avatar sejak: 09/08/2006

Umur: 37
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next to shoes, men are a girl\'s most favorite accessory x0
xx KISSES FROM CANADA xx ... More than likely you'll find me with my bunny ears on.. bouncing around from room to room untill IMVU decides to crash.. I'm not ignoring you I swear lol.. ((((one thing you should know is that I will not CYBER with anyone, buy you gifts if you ask me, or give you don't bother asking!!! oh and if you won't chat to me because of what my avatar looks like, or because of my sexuality then power to YAH, wouldnt like you anyways!))) my trademark is my purple cat eyes! *Meow* I am a smart Blonde and i'm not your average girl PS..If you're taking the time to read this I think you ROCK!! Make sure to send me a sweet mssg and add me as a friend of yours :) A little bit about me: I believe in romances like "the notebook", I really appreciate the guys who are still gentlemen, and know how to treat women. I think women are the most beautiful thing god has created. I'm Bi, but won;t give my love to just anyone. IF YOU;RE A SWEETHEART, ADD ME..I love being glamerous and some people find me alot of fun.. I'm a real girly girl, I have ALOT of makeup, and purses! I love writting, modeling, and photography. I am every definition of "Amiable" you will find.. if you don;t know the word, look it up! My favorite color is pink, I love my cats **(they are my babies!!)** and all the sweet people who surround me. I would do anything for anybody, I'm a very loving and passionate person.. I am not perfect, I do have my flaws.. but I am human and I have feelings... I don't judge anyone, as I don't like to be judged.. Get to know me, and I swear you won't regret it!! :) x0x ..*what a tangled web we weave when we conspire to conceive* Zorpia Photo Sharing: Free Unlimited Storage & Bandwidth
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Meow Motherfucker Whoever said that orange was the new PINK was seriously disturbed xo
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*Barbie Material* xo
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Beautiful Love BUG! xo
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OFFICER FIT FG8Berrie Erotik DELILAH[Dazz] Corset w/ Jeans[TC] Model's Skin{DG}Diamond Collar Choke
[NK] AZN top lashes{K} Black Long Halter*R* Hottie Lips Pjs[SWA]CH Candy RedPolyPose Expressions!
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