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i said i would update this soon and well here i am im still taking care of my parents and all my grand children being disabled my self this is difficult but i do what i have to do well my mom has pnuemonia again which will be what kills her since she has no lung capacity she emphysema and well my dad he still has cancer they treated all they could now he has it in his lungs he doesnt have long now he had his lil talk with me bout what to do with his stuff he cried the whole time i wished i could take this from him i still cant beleive its happening its hard to lose my dad im not ready to be without parents im sure theyll go about the same time its sad to watch my parents getting rid of all their stuff especially my dad he sold everything please for a miracle that is all we have left hes having radiation again right now lets hope it works even tho the doc said it wouldnt the pic is my uncle my mom and my dad notice the tears
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