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Avatar sejak: 2007-01-09
Umur: 32
Kerajaan Inggris
Terakhir masuk:

"Um woohoo Techno ^^ xDD!"

Lihat Album Saya (1)

Hey , lets gets things straight first evrybody must call me tom i dont like being called kaolix.and if your chav or a "gangster" please leave now cause personally i cannot stand you! >=(. okey thats all the nasty stuff over , im not really anything but if i had to pick somthing i suppose it could be emo , i like rock music , and techno is my god , dont be shy to send chat inv or leave a gift *wink wink* and if you do send me a chat inv please please please talk! you meet some of the most boring people on this , just talk for feck sake im not gonna kill you unless your a big meanie >=)yeah i like to have long long chats about the most random stuff but once i get going it'll be hard to get me to shut up. okey yeah im wierd so what wierd is better than normall be some one ! XDDYeah so what my favourite colours are pink and yellow does that mean im gay , i didnt think so xDYeah I want to meet new people !!! add me send me and im , but seriously if you do please talk!! ^^ XD yeah i make stickers but i only make them for myself to decorate my home page, i have no objection in you bying them but there most likely going to be pictures of me xDDYeah i have once again fallen in love , but not with an actuall thing , but with techno! omg i love this music . if you want to adventure more into the art of techno you can come chat with me , my music is getting more filled up these days so i want the whole world to no about techno !! xDD ^^insult techno ,you insult me , you insult me i pull your spine out of your skin and feed it to my dog mwahaha! >=)
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