Why hello there.
I don't bite o.o Message me; I always reply<3
"Don't add me unless weve talked pleaseee !"
most annoying thing everrr ~ "..* only allows messages from his or her buddies."
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don't waste your time..
Just like everyone else, I have a mind for thinking, I have a heart for loving. Nothing special about that. I like pretty things. Being desperate, won't get anyone anywhere. Simples. Everyone wants love. I want someone who will love me for who I really am. I try to make the best out of my life. I think it's going by too quickly. I don't plan on living forever. Don't expect a lot from me. There's only a certain amount of things a person can handle, until they become a nervous breakdown. Fuck the haters, fuck the drama. Wreck my head, I'll wreck your face. Treat me as I treat you; with love and caring most hopefully so. I always hope for the best but yet expect and predict the worst. I don't really like anyone. Except a few. People don't stay long in my life. They usually come and go. I can stay quiet, or be one loud fucker if I want to be. I like to have a good time. Hard to achieve things, I usually appreciate. I don't express my happiness on the outside; I don't show excitement; It kinda upsets some people and angers others. But it's me. That's what I'm like. My sense of style is rare. So is my taste in music. Ohwell. I usually stay quiet because I've nothing to say. Sometimes, there's just too much in my brain so I can't even pick out what to say. But sometimes, if I get talking, I won't stop. I can't express my emotions by words. I find it pretty fucking difficult. How could anyone express their feelings by the means of words and sentences. I judge by what I see. I'll most likely not even give the person the chance to show me what they've got on the inside. The outside matters. Everyone knows it. I always wonder what life would be like if I was able to fix my mistakes. Unfortunately, I can't. So I can only ever tryy and learn from them. I'ma fail. Let's just leave it at that. End of.
Forever Alone.
.. k mosttt biffles are beloww ..

^ m e e & j e n n i f e r .

^ m e e & a m y .

^ m e e, c h a n t e l & s a r a h .

^ n a d i n e , m e & a m y y .

^ c h a n t e l , m e & j e n n i f e r .

Rory !
Myy buhbee<3 Love youu.
Tanya Jawab
Q. What song is playing on your page?
A. - Go shoot yourself.
Q. Is that you in your display picture?
A. - Yesss; my hair's brown atm though.
In the last wee while, I went though dying hair phase. (lol)
Q. Who made your layout?
A. - Slag.
Q. Do you wanna be friends?
A. - Suure<3
Q. Will you virtually do/date/shag me?
A. - Youu've a sad life my dearrr.
Q. Do you make layouts/ avatar pictures?
A. - I do surelyyy but not atm :(