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Avatar sejak: 2007-12-30
Umur: 31
Terakhir masuk:

"The world is spinning around your own head."

Lihat Album Ku (2)

My name is Linda, but you can call me
Yumi, Amy, Toboe, Tobi or Mr. Frog.
I'm 16 years old and lives in Sweden,
i'm in my first year of college and studying
japanese. I want to work with animals when
i'm older, and got a big heart when it's about
animals. I'm very intrest in writing too, and
I love to read books. I read everything that
I like, so you can always give me any tip
about any good book. I love my friends,
and those I keep close are those that
keep my life worth living. I love music
too, like almost everyone does. I listen
to everything except rap, hip-hop, RnB.
I think that was everything about me :P
Contact me if you wanna chat x]
Good friends are like angels..
you don't have to see them
to know they are there.
Status Hubungan: Sendiri
Mencari: Pertemanan
Daftar Keinginanku
Most wanted:
1000K Shirt I Love Frogs
*TS* Black Fluffy Tail[iza] Cat Ears black*STFU T-Shirt*Lox™ Sp!ked: Garter LLox™ Sp!ked: Garter R
m.. HighTop Black!$PP* Rocker Armb*R!$PP* Rocker Armb*Lspacerspacer
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