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[O] Brehatm* Trevor hair[O] -K]A[P-[O] w-SkElEtAl#Black Akito#
Vampire KnightD-o.OD-S : 2D-Death Libertyspacer
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Video ku
im 15
Male(wtf u think I was D
Skateboarding,BMXing, and computer =w=
Taken by my sakura =w=
I lubbs cookehs! >=O
Im dumb when it comes to school o.e
I have alot of friends in real life and on teh computer x3
I like anime o.o
I hate n00bs <___>___>
I have an sister that almost got raped by a man at a party but luckly I was there and I called teh cops and pushed him of her ._______.
I have mum she can be nice sometimes .-. and she can be a pain in teh ass dsometimes but isnt that wat there for? xD
I never met my dad before o.o
I have blonde hair but I dyed it black 8D
I have an pericing on my lip <__ and="" had="" to="" eat="" icecream="" for="" like="" days="" dx="">
im 5''10 o.o
My life is not perfect >__>
My sisters friends are creepy -.-
Thats all i can think of for now plz leave a message :D
Add me if ya want x3

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