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Meh sister Tami
I HEART HER in many ways...even though we are total differents...I cant think of anybody else to replace her because she is UBERR SPECIAL to me..were hawtstar sisters in the making..Tami & Sammeh
TasteMyJuice TROY!
he's uberr cute for a scene-ish emo boy...he wears the most weirdest things int he world..but its smexee..he's a really kewl dude..and he ish nevr afraid tew start a conversation..Troy ish a dip but he's a funneh dip xD
iShannon Shannon! MY UBERR KEWL COUSIN! she the fashonista out of me and Tami UBERR SWEET because she is allways treatin us to a! I hope no harm comes to Shannon! I LOVE HERR UBERR LOTS! xD tht made no sense