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Avatar sejak: 2007-07-18
Umur: 30
Amerika Serikat - TX
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"If only I could be with you... v.v"

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My name's Shayde and my boy is my beautiful Angel. I love him more than anything, and nothing will ever change that. I keep all of my friends close to my heart and I will defend all of them to the end. I love you Angel. I love you Mel. I love you Jacquie. And, I love you my new dear friend, Alex.
My other account is petofdarkness.
Status Hubungan: Sendiri
Mencari: Obrolan
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[DK]Rainbow NOCTURNAL M[O] N~SpIx[DK]Rainbow TopS cloud rainbow[n3] Glitter Beads (m/f)
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my newest bestest friend i loves her and shes the greatest person ive ever met she is arabic and muslim and id do anything for her and her family i love u Alex
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