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Avatar sejak: 2007-03-13
Age: 33
Kerajaan Inggris
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Three Things
Three things that scare me:
1:bugs-even though they facinate me lol
2:big!!! dogs
3:old men that smile at you or tell you that u look nice - ewww creepy
Three people who make me laugh:
1:my mum
3:but most of all - heather
Three Things I love:
1:my freinds
3:make up - what an invention!
Three Things I hate:
1:chavs!!!! buy the way if your a chav i dident mean to affend ya you scum sucking pubic louse :)
2:clothes that arnt right to proportion
3:when u buy somat and it dont work or fit or look good
Three things I don't understand:
2:cyber sex
3:topless busses
Three things on my desk:
1:enormous pen - novelty
2:empty can of coke
3:hand cream
Three things I'm doing right now:
1:filling out this form
2:listerning to music
Three things I want to do before I die:
1:bungy jump
2:kiss a stranger
3:get married
Three things I can do:
1:touch my wrist with my thumb
2:put on makeup but with a patten
3:touch the back of my head with my toes
Three ways to describe my personality:
3:sensitive and fragile
Three things I can't do:
1:fly - well u cant eather so there lol
2:lick my eye - yes id like to be able to!
3:put lip stick on perfectly even
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Long This or That Survey.. 100 Questions
sunshine or rain?:rain
hearts or stars?:stars
fold your clothes or hang them up?:on the floor lol
milkshake or fruit smoothie?:fruit smothie
road trip or plane ride?:plane ride
fruits or veggies?:fruits
chips ahoy! or oreos?:chips
wake up cold or wake up hot?:wake up cold
dressed up or dressed down?:dressed up
loud & crazy or quiet & reserved?:quiet and reserved
player or fan?:fan of course
myspace or livejournal?:myspace
snowy mountains or tropical beaches?:tropical beaches
markers or crayons?:markers
coloring books or word searches?:word searches
fat pillow or skinny pillow?:skinny pillow
bar soap or liquid soap?:liquid soap
outlet shopping or in a mall?:both lol
ice cream in a cone or in a cup?:cone
ribbons or streamers?:ribbons
elementary or middle school?:middle school
windows up or down?:down
chick flick or scary movie?:scary movie
date someone for looks or personality?:personality mostly
zip up jacket or pull-over hoodie?:zip up
single or taken?:single
blonde or brunette?:brunette
athletic or artistic?:artistic
big parties or small get-togethers?:biiiiiig! parties
prom date or prom party?:prom party
college close to home or far away?:close to home
get married or stay single?:get married
physics or chemistry?:chemistry
history or science?:science
algebra or geometry?:neither thx
reading or writing?:reading
test or project?:project
partying or clubbing?:partying
fast-food or fancy restaurant?:fancy restraunt
cell phone or house phone?:cell phone
radio or CD?:cd
iPod or MP3 player?:ipod
candy or chocolate?:candy
shoes on or off?:off
lights on or off?:off
brownies or cupcakes?:cupcakes
theme park or carnival?:theme park
Lays or Pringles?:pringles
SAT or ACT?:sat
books or magazines?:books
cancun or bahamas?:bahamas
school work or house work?:house work
dollar bills or change?:bills/notes
credit or debit?:credit
gift cards or cash?:cash
taking pictures or being in them?:taking pics
paper or plastic bags?:paper
aerobics or weight training?:aerobics
pets inside or outside?:inside
mexican food or italian food?:mexican ........!burrito!
taxi or bus?:bus
wallet or purse?:purse
police or firefighter?:police
open shoes or closed?:closed
pilates or yoga?:yoga
long socks or short ones?:long socks
being able to read minds or being able to fly?:read minds
loud music or quiet?:loud
follow trends or make your own?:make my own
leader or follower?:follower
fling or serious relationship?:seriouse relation ship
navy or marines?:marines
manicure or pedicure?:manicure
posters or pictures on your walls?:posters
share your room or it's all your own?:all to my self
letter or e-mail?:email
home-made or store bought?:store baught
staying in or going out?:going out
make-up or all-natural?:make up
chicken or beef?:chicken
pens or pencils?:pencils
tile or carpet?:tile
mixed drinks or straight?:mixed with straight lol
lake or ocean?:ocean
sand or dirt?:sand
sun bathe or swim?:swim
t-shirts or polos?:t-shirts
straight hair or curly?:strait
stay safe or take a risk?:take at risk
sensitive or tough?:sensitive
write it in a planner or on your hand?:draw a planner on my hand then wright in it
get mad or get even?:even so watch out!
plastic wrap or plastic baggies?:plastic bags
popsicle or creamsicle?:popsicle
cigarettes or smoke-free?:smoke-free
up north or down south?:up north
simple or complicated?:complicated
vaccuming or sweeping?:sweeping
gel or mousse?:gel
laugh or love?:laugh
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img src="http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j216/Potholder677/March 2007/stampcardradioactive.jpg">
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