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Avatar sejak: 28/07/2006

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Which Trinity Blood character are you\is your soul-mate

Albel Nightrode (Code name: Krsnik)He is a Vampire who drinks other vampires blood. He is part of the AX, group of vampire exterminators founded by the Vatican. Characteristics:He is funny and cheerflu, you would never think he was a vampire at all. He talks to his adversires first and try to convince them to not to fight, for he doesn't like to kill, however he will do it if there is no other choice.He is strong, caring, and kind.
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What's your inner element? ~girls only and beautiful anime pics~

Your element: darknessYou're very mysterious. This draws people in who want to figure you out. But you are also very dark and evil. This makes them fear you. You can also feel sad sometimes and not know why.When will you find love: Not many will, but once a man comes along that is able to figure you out, he will fall in love instantly.What kind of man: A smart, probably gothic man. He'll love you for who you are. And he'll never try to change you.
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