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Avatar sejak: 2006-02-18
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-Random Shit- - My name is April...no not after the month, after the reporter from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...and yes I'm 100% serious. - I have 11 tattoos and a septum piercing. - I'm TERRIBLE at writing shit about myself...but im sure you can tell... - I wish I was born a decade earlier so I could have appreciated the club music of the 90's...that shit is catchy and awesome...don't deny it... - Old people fucking love me...I don't know why...they just do...old people and crazy people...I guess I just have a face that says "No I don't mind if you pay for your cat food in pennies and I don't think you have a strong smell of urine, please tell me everything about your nine cats and how the government is stealing your thoughts :)"
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