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Avatar since: 02/10/2006

Age: 37
United Kingdom
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[Insert life story here]
Relationship Status: Married
Looking For: Chatting

Oh before you view my homepage, I think you should read the following:

Yes I'm taken and happy.

Yes it's a real life relationship.

Yes I like to wear black. That doesn't make me a Goth.

No don't call me babe, baby, sexy or hun!

No I won't have a fling with you! I'm not cheating on my girlfriend!

No I don't talk to under 18's if you invite me to chat so if you send me one and your below 18 don't expect an answer from me.

No I will not add you if you visit my homepage and leave me just one comment asking me to add you! I only add friends who will speak to me constantly and not just a 1-off chat.

No I will not become your friend if you ask me on my homepage and send me a buddy add. You have to EARN my trust and friendship before I add you.

Yes I report chain messages. Leave me one and it could be one of the last messages you will send.

No I will not buy you gifts! If you ask me then piss off!

No I will not give you credits! I work for my cash to purchase credits so GET YOUR OWN!!

No I will not get you anything if you say it's your birthday! Thats the oldest trick and I don't fall for it!

Yes beggars are retarded! Does that make you a retard?

Yes I sound like an arsehole. You have beggars to blame for that.

Take afew seconds to see who I sponser here on IMVU, click their banners for more information:

Hey people and thanks for stoppin on my homepage. The name's Chris, but people refer to me as Swinyard which is my last name (And my avi's name obviously). Yeah as you can see I'm a Legend of Zelda fan and a Sonic the Hedgehog/Shadow the Hedgehog fan aswel hehe (Personally I think Shadow is cooler than Sonic because dark heroes are so much cooler!), hey with Sonic I'm re-living my childhood, nothing wrong with that is there? :-p

Anyways abit about me. I'm 21 years old and I live in Hull in the North East of England, originally from Romford, Essex in the South East. I recently finished doing a Performing Arts (Acting) degree at Hull College and now I'm hoping to become a sucessful actor for either theatre, television or film in the near-future. I'm an outgoing person who's always up for a good laugh with my mates and my girlfriend but more importantly I enjoy what I do in life, if people choose to laught at me or with me its their choice I do my thing and live with it I'm care-free.

I enjoy going out to the pub with friends, go clubbing either with friends or alone (alone most of the time) or I just like to chill at home to my music or playing video games. I'm laid back and enjoy life, just waiting to take on the next challenge that life throws at me. Above all that I really enjoy spending time with my girlfriend Lucy, who is theladjmaster on here (It was thanks to her I came on here, thanks hun ^_^) she's been one of the greatest things to have happened to me in recent times and I have never regretted spending one second with her. I love you so much Lucy xxx

So what sort of music do I enjoy? Umm, well I'm into more of rock/metal but I enjoy abit of R'n'B. My favourite bands are Crush 40, Linkin Park, Kid Ego (My old house mates band, check them out on, Green Day, Sum 41, Bon Jovi, metallica, Cirrus that sort of thing. Of course theres my retro tunes and game soundtracks like certain Need For Speed tracks and certain Sonic/Zelda background tunes I enjoy. Hey if you think I'm abit childish liking them then you can bite me its what I enjoy listening too it has nothing to do with you.

Thanks for viewing my homepage!


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Teman-temanku (3)
I'm not a loner, I just prefer to add people I know personally and people who I will chat to again. I ain't no friend whore like most...
My Recent Visitors (0)
Thanks to each and every visitor who stops by my homepage. I will try to comment you back in thanks to taking the time out to check out my profile.

Thank God I have a size code to shrink down the pathetic-sized pics so if you do "Crave Attention" and need to have big pics to be noticed.. you just got screwed here! HAHA!!
Daftar Keinginanku
Anything in here is just a reminder of what I wanna buy later. I don't beg but if I'm given something than I greatly appreciate it and will return the favour. The wishlist is always empty though lol..

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