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[AS] Luxury LivingST Eyelashes Head 4 & 2[69s] SEXY AVATAR*L™ Gentle Tunic+Tights[D™ Striped Tunic+Tights
[AE] Blue Lightning[ACS] HAUNTED MANSION*L™ October | Outfit[ACS] CASTLE OF DRAGONSblack goth wings anim.
Elven Onyx DressMidnight Glam Eyelashes{G} Colossal Lashes V2H4[m] Nose Nail Metlx. Farrah Black
[hd] Natural - 010Cute TOP EyeLashesGoth Surprisespacerspacer
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Avatar sejak: 2005-09-12
Age: 33
Kerajaan Inggris
Terakhir masuk:

"I Dyed In My Dreams"

Lihat Album Saya (1)

Name: Ishmia
Nickname: Kitty
Age: 18
Location: Mablethorpe
Last Residence: Hastings
Date of Birth: 14th of april 1991
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Occupation: Media At Boston College
Status: Eonian's Beautiful Nightmare

Hey I’m Ishmia.
I’m cute and friendly and I love cuggles,
Well most of the time.
Even though I look so cute I can still get pissed off
And then my lil claws extend and all my fur stands up on end.
Then Kitty is angry.

Status Hubungan: Berpacaran
Mencari: Pertemanan
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I have been playing World Of Warcraft on and off for a couple of years and I am allways interested in meeting people with the same interest. I have just started a guild called Demoic Angle, we are looking for members for raids/HC. If you are interested come onto the realm Shadowsong and send me a message

My char is called Lafeia and im a level 80 mage and I am Alience.

If you want to know anything eles about me please visit www.vampirefreaks.com/ishmia.

Oh and leave me a comment and if you get me a gift I will retern the favour.

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Im his beautiful nightmare and i hope i allways will be.

I love you!
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