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Avatar sejak: 2007-03-09
Age: 54
Amerika Serikat - IL
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"Hi gang! Guess which song is me!"

See My Albums (4)

Let's see if I can help you figure me out....hmmmm....

I know I'm a geezer by internet standards, but that's just a number. LOL I'm here on IMVU because I really like to meet people and stay current on what's happening with our youth. I have a child registered on here as well and would rather be able to keep track of his actions by being an online friend than being an offline raving dictator.
I also have my own online business selling through EBay and love to create web pages. AND....you guessed it! I adore singing. One of the songs on my mp3 player is actually me. See if you can figure out which one it is. *winks*
I'll be more than happy to chat if you ask and I'll do my best not to be a "mother hen". *giggles*

Blessings and light,


P.S. Make sure you scratch the message to the right to get your weekly words of wisdom! *grins*

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