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Avatar sejak: 2006-01-07
Age: 43
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"Good Day, how are you?"

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USELESS FACTS ABOUT ME: 1.I hate to clean my bathroom 2.I spend more time on my computer then I do watching T.V. 3.If you can't tell by now I love everything that has to do with purple and butterflies! 4.I have to be the only human alive that dosn't like pizza 5.I LOVE PRESENTS.. as well I love giving them as well :) 6.I live here on IMVU or on Gaia online 7.I have two wonderful Children(that's not a useless fact) 8.I love my Pepsi 9.I can read 4 books at the same time and still keep the story lines stright 10.Condiments are upon request...... 11.Ketchup in my house is a food group 12. I must know the lines to every treehouse show in existence....you would understand this if you have younger children! 13. sorry if I don't accept your chat... it's cause I am already on a chat or I am not at my desk... IMVU gets a bit screwy when I accept two chats at once... 14.I hate fake people 15. I love fruit smoothies but I am not a health nut... 16.I am sure at some point I will come up with new useless facts about myself... so say tuned for more changes...lol 17.IF YOU VISIT MY PAGE PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE... I LIKE THOSE BETTER THEN YOU JUST CHECKING IT OUT.... and maybe if you leave a gift you might get one back :)
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