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Avatar since: 26/07/2007

Age: 62
United States
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u got me twisted. juz 2 keep things real, i\'m 24 not 44...
Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Looking For: Chatting
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[AY] Naikelea hair! New kit Red Black jean*S* In The MintSingle cross earring +Talking Animation
%) 60+ Female Voices[V4NY] Francy #4 Boot[8O8] Mz Popular[8O8] Choreographer Pack-tx- fieryspec
*JJ* Rock and RollSD 5 Cool Pack 1spacerspacerspacer
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I had the best time with you when u came to visit but I miss you sooooooo much. I love you nena. Always and 4eva

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friendly Teman 10
visitors Pengunjung 121
kharma Hadiah 10
generosity kedermawanan 63

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