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So you want to know about the real me ? The year 2006 was a terible year for me.My only uncle pass awayhe was only 44 years old next my cousin past away he was like a brother to me and the sad thing is he was only 14 years old . I don' t live with my mom she live in holand I in Aruba.Al these things has make me strong.So im in high school i have wonderful friends they always there for me not like others that say there your friend and before you know they stab you in your back.I'm really friendly but f you treat me like dirt I can be very mean but that doesn't matter i hope you add me so we could talk with eich other.Life isn 't easy that we know but enjoy it because before you know your not here anymore.Friends and family are the best thing you could have.I'm also a big fan of Telenovelas such as Rebelde ,Codigo postal ,Gata salvaje , Mundo de fieras, Las dos caras de Ana, La fea mas bea, Lorena, la ex and much much more.But as you can se im a really big big fan of rebelde -RBD KNow this 2007 begins bad for me i lost my aunt who i loved so much
The impossible dream is an untouchable dream
For those too foolish to try.
The greatest temptations, are wasted sensations
When pushed to the back of the mind
We'll all end up at the stream of dreams
The river that keeps us from where we wish to roam.
The foolish man will slowly turn and walk away
While the wise man looks for a stepping stone.
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