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This is my newest avi. I'm usually on both, but I made that one because on there I'm 15, on here I'm 19. xP
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Avatar sejak: 2007-06-29
Amerika Serikat - NM
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brokencyde Pictures, Images and Photos
hi im alex Pictures, Images and Photosif for some reason you ask,I am 15 years of age.If you wanna talk, hit me upppp! So just top by, leave message ~r~ CHAT.
Relationship Status: Seeing Someone
Looking For: Other
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Yep! Lame indeed...........................................................................>.<
[LA]Bloody Trail|i|Bloody Striped Tanksmall hands Green nails[VG] A Lil Bit Of?!!B Kira Bangs Black
M' Bloody Spikes Set:Black Flats:TF Haunted Avatar 1!C! Axe Murderer{E}Grey Wind-Up Key
Doll Neglected Poses[SC]Darke Puppet[Psi] TapeMe Blk! Body Fairy Dust RAVE~BZ~ Rainbow Green Shoe
.R! - Black/Rainbow Stud[ah]RainboRaverNeonNails!i Rainbow RaveGlowstickspacerspacer
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