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Avatar since: 20/06/2006

Age: 51
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Xan13 tidak memiki seseorang yang spesial.
Teman-temanku (12)
You Are 92% Evil
You're the most evil person you know.
The devil is even a little scared of you!
How Dark is Your Soul?

Black as Night
Black as Night
No one knows the real depth of your soul, it's endless like a insatiable void. You have no problem with thoughts revenge and and death. You do unto others what they have done to you. But be careful don't let the darkness swallow you whole. It's a labryinth in which you can't find the way out if you venture too deep!
How do you compare?
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What type of Demon are you

You are the one who gets her hands dirty the most.You Live for the feel of flesh ripping and tearing beneath your talons.Your most perfect art is the art of Torture and you thrive in your passions for pain. Others cringe when they hear the mere mention of your name.
How do you compare?
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Daftar Keinginanku
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Toll: A Poem By Meeeeeeeeeee!..... "Lightning flash & thunder roll. It takes not cash to pay this toll. It comes for you in dead of night. To take your life with terrors fright....... You run you fall you scream & cry. You stop to stare & then you die. They come to mourn to stand & think. With flowers in hand their hearts all sink...... Why you why now for 1 so young. They all think to themselves. Would you tell them what you've done. Or why you've gone to HELL?!......"!

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