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Avatar sejak: 24/07/2006

Umur: 33
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Hey,how\'s it going?
Status Hubungan: Berpacaran
Mencari: Pertemanan
Hey hey hey! Thanks for stopping by, this is my page. I love comments so try and leave one will ya? I will most definitely getcha back! Thanks again. Ta-ta xo ~xTinkerzx
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Hey,welcome to my wishlist^^I don't put things up there for people to buy them for me.I use my wishlist as a bookmark for items I like^^So that when I get credits I can buy stuff and not forget the name of it or have to write it down on paper.Anyways enjoy my page^^
Loft ApartmentT3 Romance Sectional v3Bad Girl - BlackMidnight Seduction MiniSilver Chain Bracelet
(L) Black Spk Sndls v1.1(L) White Spike Heel SndWicked Black LongtailsSilkyBlackAeris(NOBow)Wicked BlondeS Lulu Bang
Bad Girl - Black & RedWicked Hazelnut LHPWicked Black MikakoWicked Black GarnetSexy Red Tip Hair
Teman-temanku (57)
Winner of best review contest:kryztilia Congradulations!!! My friends,you hurt them..and I'll hurt you. My sisters on imvu:LollyPop07,Sweetbabykisses16,ladytink101,xpunkchick...I would love to have more^^
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