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Avatar since: 03/03/2008

Age: 34
United States - LA
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Faith is a breakable thing
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Victtoriiia tidak memiki seseorang yang spesial.
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Red Dragon Inn

131 posting dari 262 anggota
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Cherry Blossom Boards

350 posting dari 50 anggota
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Village Of Darkness and Sarrow

1090 posting dari 36 anggota
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The Secret Shelter

268 posting dari 79 anggota
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Wer Shehad di Sappheric Xarzith

4521 posting dari 25 anggota
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The Village Hidden in Tears

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Chanel Models

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Villainous Robo-Rabbits and Mad Scientists

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Drea's Hideout and The Tween

45 posting dari 18 anggota
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The Royal Kingdom of Sappheric Ice

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footsteps in the moonlight

141 posting dari 25 anggota
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Dragon Dynasty

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Nemeton Monastery

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The Empire of The Mighty Drakojan's

4 posting dari 210 anggota
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The Diary of Renalette Jade Orchid

2 posting dari 4 anggota
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Candy Coated Models

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The Gifted Goblin Tavern RP

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The Nation Of Emblem

23 posting dari 8 anggota
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The Poisoned Prince Tavern and Inn

192 posting dari 252 anggota



Age:321/22 Biography: So two sides here, myself and my character. Italics I'm clearly discussing who I am, and then everything else will layout who Rena is. So the basics to me are rather simple. I started on here a little over three years ago. I started out poking around out of a bored urge, and honestly thought this website was completely something else. But I met a few good characters (ironically) and have been avid on here since. However recently it has died out. I'm fairly simple myself and still am slow in the RP world, I'm no super RPer. I am actually a rancher from Louisiana. I am twenty two years old, and a fairly average person. I am married, I live on my families farm in my own home that is on the property. I am a avid horse rider and rodeo competitor. However recently had to withdraw due to pregnancy. I am a Criminalist but took time off to return to my family's property. I specialize in ballistics and explosives and have worked extensively in my field. I enjoy the thrill of just about anything (if you hadn't picked up yet) and that's about it. My name is Renalette, better to go by as Rena. I'm a curious being. My species is never truly identified, and it never will be. I like to keep an air of mystery. Temper is something I am skilled with. Mine is often described as foul. I have no heart (literally) and I really don't mind. It's somewhere, and I'm working on finding it, just it tends to take some time. I don't really have a certain purpose. I do hired hand work mostly, and I am an advisor for the Mythril kingdom under Queen Reileena. However I serve tedious purpose elsewhere too. I don't really divulge in myself much, you really either have to research me, or just not bother at all, and trust me, not bothering, may be much safer for you.
English, barrel racing, saddle bronc
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