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(F) Astral Bluestin Bow[JS] Animated Ice Bow F~E- Earthy Bow F AnimatSacred Bow and Arrows[V4NY] IF GlassesV4 Blue
[V4NY] IF GlassesV4 BkPI - Slvr/Red Glasses*EH*Glam Glasses red-mb- Asia Head-mb- Blk/White RUOPHIL
-mb- Red Malca-mb- Red Ringo!mb Red Xenian!mb Red CaesaroHoney
LIZ-AV2010- outfit 2LIZ - ESC blk outfit 1LIZ~Sculpture jacketLIZ~ MSS camo outfitspacer
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Avatar since: 25/08/2005

Age: 38
United States - KS
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What is life but a lie wrapped in a false bow of your own choice?

Don't ever believe in happiness. Because when you do, that's when life's tricked you into a falsity so cruel, that only a soul drenched in blood can protect itself


My Shido album ShidoLet me know if you visit it ^_^

Also, some screenshots I've taken from their videos ^_^
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