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okay....if ur smart enuf...u should hav noticed...i havent been on AT ALL my money was stolen..there for i am broke..T.T well that a pretty kewl gal...except for wen u get on my bad side. if u want to get on my bad side...follow these:
*ask me for money, gifts, or anything personal a certain amount of times...and i will do something terrible, horrifying, and bloody.
*dont ask me to date u or cyber...thats fucking sick. i dont roll that way.
*dont tell me u want something over and over....i will kno u r asking me to buy it for u....
*if u want to talk to me..invite me to a chat. theres a 2 out of 20 percent chance i will talk to u if u send me a message.
*no...i dont make pictures. if i page would b covered with em.
*last but not haters..kay?^-^ thats bout it.
yuppers...well i LURV yues ALLS! ^-^ peacers my budders!^-^
Status Hubungan: Sendiri Mencari: Obrolan
Orang spesial
VannahBaNaNa126 tidak memiki seseorang yang spesial.
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>:D buy me stuff!
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You're the Black Wolf. You tend to stick to yourself or with a close friend who is either a normal wolf or a lion. "Most entertaining" is what you say. your sarcastic saying?....same as the white wolf. " Oh that was smart" Take this quiz!